Never Stand Still

The last few weeks I don't seem to of had any time to sit and relax, read and enjoy life other than when out walking. Once I've got back home I've either been working or planning the next trip. I need to write a post about how the gear performed on the WHW and the other walks I've done recently, but that may take a while to write.

Last weekend I went to Newton Stewart and the Galloway hills to meet up with Phil while he did some walks for Walk Highlands. To find out more about that you should read Phils blog. The area is a relatively ignored gem with most walkers heading north to the bigger hills, the place appeared deserted other than a large mountain biking event. We tried our Tenkara fishing rods on the Sunday, unfortunately you cant fish rivers in Scotland on Sunday. So we made do with a loch, which is not what the Tenkara is designed for. The picture at the top is from our (un)wild camp, not far from Castle Douglas. The second is returning to the cars with no fish.

This weekend I am off on my own to walk the Arrochar Munros, along with the Cobbler on Saturday possibly with a wildcamp near Ben Vane. Then Sunday a drive around Loch Lomond to walk Ben Lomond, which is unfinished business from my West Highland Way trip (didn't take Ice axe & crampons).

Easter weekend I am intending to return again to Scotland for the third week in a row, but this time head further north to Sutherland. The aim is to walk Suilven, nothing is planned yet for this trip so unsure of any details or other hills.

Looking even further ahead there's the trip to Finland with Phil again for a pre TGO challenge warmup. Hendrik very kindly invited us over and is being our guide to the amazing place, I can't wait. Then of course there's the TGO Challenge from mid May. Another weekend walking will be fitted in somewhere before Finland, but I really do need to spend at least one weekend at home doing some work around the house and garden. If only I didn't have to go to work, hmm..

There are 2 other things being planned so far, in September I have taken 2 weeks off to walk the Wainwright Coast to Coast with my dad. This is an amazing walk through 3 national parks, initially I wasn't sure and was intending to do the Cape Wrath Trail but the more I look at the Wainwright route, the more I wish I was going tomorrow.

The final thing I'm trying to decide upon is what to do for my birthday in June, I only have the weekend. The Welsh 3000's is a possibility, although not sure I want to do it in 24 hours. For some reason I've never walked in Wales and there are several hills I chomping at the bit to walk there. Any suggestions though on something I could walk/do in a weekend (19th & 20th) would be welcome.

This really is the last paragraph, I made a list a couple of weeks ago with several hills/places I want to try to walk this year. I wont post the entire list, most would appear on the majority of UK to do lists...Buachaille Etive Mor, Suilven, St Sunday Crag, Snowdon, Cadair Idris, Aonach Eagach, etc...