Off on the Highland ZigZag

This is a slightly shorter and less detailed post than originally intended. I had planned to write a post listing where exactly I am aiming to be each night and what I am carrying with weights of each bit of kit, but in the end I just never got chance. You can read some of what i'm planning and what the Highland ZigZag is here.

I also decided that I need a holiday, the last few months have been a bit hectic and forcing myself to stay up late to write what would likely be a poorly written post while tired would be worse than no post at all.

Having said the above, my pack weighed 7.64kg including 1 litre of water, 3 days food, fuel and many items others leave out of their pack weights or class as worn (hat, gloves, buff, etc).

The walk starts on Monday 9th May with hopefully a warmup jaunt up one or two of the Munros in the Black Cuillin, before meeting up with Phil Turner for probably 4 days together. We will then go our separate ways and the Munros start for me.

I don't intend to update the blog until I return home. Instead I will be tweeting, see here or the right side of this site (not shown on mobile version of site)

I'm hoping the map at the top of the page actually works from Monday using the magic of Social Hiking, updates to the map may be few and far between due to signal and battery issues.

So keep an eye on my tweets and I will write it all up when I return. Thanks for taking the time to read this and apologies if it doesn't make a lot of sense (written on my phone).