Cairngorms - Everything but the kitchen sink

Day 1 = 1 mile Day 2 = 16 miles Day 3 = 22 miles Total = 39 miles Munros = 2 Last year it seamed every other week I was out walking with Phil Turner, both of us have been so busy this year that the trips have been few and few far between until recently. Remarkably I emailed a date when I was free and the stars must of aligned and Phil was also free. A couple of weeks later and I arrived at Turner Towers to see him

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Wanderer Returns

Sometimes it can be good to take a break from things and reflect on life and check that the path you are on, is the one you really want to follow. The break on this site has been part of that process. Several months ago I decided I would no longer review Outdoor gear, unless I had bought it with my own money. Shortly after this the whole bloggers reviewing gear conversation blew up on various sites. I commented on one site, but generally decided to

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Water the single most important thing to us humans. You could get away without shelter or food for several days or weeks but not so for water. Supposedly we can last 3 days without water, but long before that you would experience headaches, probably dizziness and obviously a total lack of energy. Even though it's so important many of us backpackers don't give it much thought or we just do what we've always done. I like the idea that each time you go on a trip

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The Mamores

The Mamores, if you haven't heard of them you are missing out on some of the finest mountains in Britain. If you've been lucky enough to walk up Ben Nevis on a clear day you will have noticed them to the South, the opposite side of Glen Nevis. These have been on my ever increasing To Do list for years. Last year I walked 4 of the 10 Munros that make up the Mamores as part of the [Ring of Steall](

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Mapping (R)evolution

There are many who comment on the use of GPS in the outdoors and have the opinion that it is bad or even dangerous or just not right. You should only be in the outdoors using a compass and an O.S. map or failing that, use the sun and the stars to navigate your way across the wilds of the UK. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and to some extent I agree in part with this (compass part). Now let me indulge in some

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